Nitrous Oxide
Many patients experience anxiety when visiting the dentist. Being comfortable when visiting the dentist is very important. Patients who are stressed or fearful of going to the dentist often avoid visits, which in turn can lead to small problems turning into larger ones. Dental issues that are detected early are much easier to treat and less costly.
Nitrous oxide is a very safe gas which is mixed with oxygen and inhaled through a small mask over your nose to help you relax and feel calmer during dental visits. Nitrous oxide or "laughing gas" is not always needed for all procedures but may be chosen to be used in certain procedures where a patient feels more anxious. Nitrous oxide is very safe, will not make you fall asleep and you can leave the office shortly after your appointment feeling completely normal.
If you think nitrous oxide may help you feel more relaxed for your treatment, please let us know. Call us today if you have any questions about nitrous oxide or to set up a consultation to discuss if nitrous oxide is right for you.