Night Guards
Bruxism is the unconscious grinding or clenching of teeth. A person can grind their teeth and or/clench their teeth and may not necessarily realize it because it often occurs at night during sleep although it can also occur during the day.
The exact cause of this condition is not clear but it can be triggered by stress or anxiety. A person who is grinding or clenching their teeth may:
Have frequent headaches
Have a sore jaw and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and feel tightness in their jaw muscles. This can seem worse first thing in the morning when the person wakes up if they have been clenching/grinding all night and may improve in the daytime.
Pain in the mouth area including generally sensitive teeth
Teeth which appear flat, worn down and have abrasion/wear marks
Bruxism can be managed in several ways. If you are grinding or clenching in your teeth, your dentist may suggest wearing an appliance called a night guard while sleeping to help protect your teeth. It is unlikely to completely stop grinding/clenching teeth since it is an unconscious act often done during sleep. However, stress management can help reduce the severity.
If you think you might be suffering from bruxism please let your dentist know so we can discuss this with you further.